We are a community-based, advocacy organization that believes everyone deserves a voice in preserving our city.
Our Mission
Preservation Pittsburgh is a non-profit advocacy group dedicated to preserving our region's historic, architectural, cultural, and environmental heritage. Without cost, we assist individuals and organizations in preserving the integrity of the architecture and physical surroundings they value and further preservation public policy.
Our primary goal is to promote the importance of preservation issues in the deliberations and decisions of public officials, private groups, developers and the general public.
We advocate for the protection of Pittsburgh’s historic architecture, cultural assets, and landscapes. We fulfill our mission by:
Identifying resources and collaborative opportunities for preservation in our region’s neighborhoods and with partner organizations;
Developing innovative ideas and incentives for stewardship of our region’s unique sense of place and heritage; &
Advancing sound public planning and development policies that recognize preservation as an integral part of healthy sustainable communities.
Our members, who include professional preservationists, architects, historians, artists, and other neighbors, are united by their concern that the future of Pittsburgh's irreplaceable architectural and landscape treasures are in jeopardy.
Our Board meets in the evening the second Wednesday of every month and our committees meet according to their programmatic needs. All meetings are open to our members and, upon request, members of the public.
“How will we know it’s us without our past?”